Friday, May 20, 2011

The Easiest Hard Job Ever

It's only been a month!? Geeze. I feel like I've been working for months already!! But I've only officially been a flight attendant for barely a month now. I must say... I love it. The hours are crazy... the days can be exhausting.. and there is the potential to have some pretty crazy stuff happen on a day to day basis. But let's be real... it's the easiest hard job ever.

There are some days where I'm waking up to catch the bus at 3am to go to work, while the bar next to my bus stop still has people up partying from the night before. That was me not to long ago enjoying my last few months in college. Now I get to play in big girl world.

There are times where I can go for nearly weeks before I'm home in my own bed, and days and days at a time before I get to see my friends, my family, and my boyfriend. But at the same time I have the freedom to manipulate my schedule anyway I please. Like now I'm off for 9 days straight. Plenty of time to catch up on all the things I've missed. And I can pick up trips to places I never would have gotten to experience. I'm going to Ireland at the end of this month and London at the beginning of the next! How amazing is that!?

My job can be pretty scary. There are news reports of pieces of airplanes falling apart while in the air, people trying to breach the flight deck and trying to open the door mid-flight, and bombs threats. Most the time the only trouble I have to deal with are rude passengers, crying babies, and flight delays.

The one thing I love about my job is that I never have to bring my work home with me. No matter how rude the passenger is... how long the delay... how rude the passenger... at the end of the flight, it's over. I get leave that airplane and it's done. There is a new flight waiting with an entire new group of passengers and a new chance to make a difference. I get to lay down every night knowing the next day has something completely different in store. Yeah, it may get a little routine popping cokes and serving meals on every single flight, but I get a chance to meet hundreds of people a day, thousands of people a month! No flight is ever the same and I love it!

There is definitely a lot to get used to and a lot to learn. Being a flight attendant is a lifestyle and I'm learning to love it more every day!

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